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In progress

Experimental and theoretical modeling of EMR ultra-high absorbance of nanostructured smart hybrid composites.

The electromagnetic pollution leads to electromagnetic interference phenomena that disturb the correct functioning of instruments and systems, posing thereby an important risk to industrial applications and human being. Developing novel functional materials for protecting instruments and systems from electromagnetic interference phenomena becomes thus an important challenge in our contemporary society, increasingly facing the problems related to the accelerated growth in the field of telecommunications.

Our research project deals with the development of hybrid and smart materials with an ultra-high absorption performance of electromagnetic radiation (EMR), to be used in electronic and communication devices. The strategy of our proposal research relies on nanostructured polymer composite materials with a well-defined internal architecture, leading to a specific nanostructuration of the local electrical and magnetic properties. Such nanostructured materials with controlled architecture and performances can be obtained by an innovative processing.

The main objective is to propose efficient methods for predicting and characterizing electromagnetic properties of the nanostructured multilayered materials:

  • To develop calculating algorithms to predict EMR properties versus the layer architectures and nanofillers properties.

  • To quantify combined effect of geometrical confinement and alternated nanofillers on EMR properties.

  • To propose adapted optimization methods to design structure with required EMR protection

  • To make efficient modeling of electromagnetic properties of thin multilayered structures and modeling the influence of fillers.

  • To perform electrical and electromagnetic characterizations of the obtained nanostructured systems.

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